selected group exhibitions

2008 |
Dieter Reitz Gallery, Berlin: Different Visions. Photographs by Helga Griffiths, Nan Hoover, Alireza Ghandchi, Oliver Kunkel, Timo Ohler, Thomas Sturm. Nov. 3 – Dec. 20.
Künstlerverein Walkmühle, Wiesbaden, Germany: "Fluchten", August 8 - September 7.
Galerie Nelson-Freeman, Paris: Breeze - Nan Hoover, Rini Hurkmans, Fiona Tan, Teresa María Díaz Nerio. By Nan Hoover: "Movements in light" (1975/76, video, 16:33), "Blue Mountains/Australia" (1988, video, 5:59). Sep. 20 - Oct. 31.
De Service Garage, Amsterdam: Uit de Tijd. By Nan Hoover: "La Luna" (2002, video, 10:22). Sep. 24 - Oct. 19.
Sebastian Fath Contemporary, Mannheim, Germany. Fine Works on Paper, Feb. - March.
Tramway, Glasgow, Scotland, UK: National Review of Live Arts. By Nan Hoover: Performance, photography and lecture. February. |
2007 |
GALERIA XRAY, Lubon by Poznan, Poland: 8780h projekt (22.10.2007 - 22.10.2008). Nan Hoover: "La Luna" (2002, video, 10:22)
Hand en Boom [Hand and Tree], punt wg, Amsterdam, Netherlands, December 12-21. Exhibition by Nan Hoover and Christina Della Giustina.
Glow Lichtfestival, Eindhoven, Netherlands. Sealed Spaces – Forum of Light in Art and Architecture, public space, Nov. 9 - 18.

WATER at Glow, Eindhoven. 2 more photos.
Ziemlich Hoch - Das Alpine in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren, Germany, June 22 - August 26. Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow (Scotland, UK). In the frame of:
TIMELOOP - 40yearsofvideoart.de. Three video installations. April - May.
Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork, Ireland. Embodied Time - Art Video, 1970 to the present. December 2006 – February 2007. |
2006 |
Galerie Röhr & Ripken, Berlin. Nan Hoover, show together with Susanne Tunn. Sep. - Dec. 2006.
Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial, Japan. July 23 - Sept. 10. Installation by Nan Hoover: TRACES.
Schloss Salzau, Kulturzentrum des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, Salzau, Germany. In the frame of 'Interdisciplinary Weeks' of the Muthesius Kunsthochschule: 'Acoustic Turn', symposium with sound programme, video + sound installation, May 2006.
Städtische Galerie im Buntentor, Bremen, Germany: 12 artists from the Netherlands - the 'Galerie im Winter' at the 'Städtische Galerie', including 3 videos by Nan Hoover. With catalogue. Jan. - Feb. 2006.
Akademie-Galerie, Dusseldorf, Germany: Die Neue Sammlung. Group show, including a photo and video by Nan Hoover. Feb. 7 - March 27, 2006. |
2005 |
Galerie Ulrike Buschlinger, Wiesbaden, Germany: "Orte und Landschaften", Jan. 28 - Feb. 26 (with Ursula Mumenthaler and Uwe Wittwer).
2004 |
"Farbe", Kunsthaus Essen, Germany - video projections
Art Cologne, Fath Contemporary Gallery (Mannheim), Germany - drawings, video, photographs.
Galerie Ulrike Buschlinger, Wiesbaden, Germany - photographs. |
2003 |
Mountains of
(click on the image for enlargement) |
Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial, Matsudai Town, Japan, July to
September. 'Mountains of Echigo-Tsumari', light composition
by Nan Hoover. www.echigo-tsumari.jp
LichtRouten Lüdenscheid,
Sep. till Oct.
Forum for Light, Art and Architecture, Lüdenscheid, Germany. www.lichtrouten.de

'caught in light', Nan Hoover 2003
(photo: J.-P. Joachimsmeier)
VIDEOGRAPHIE - A retroprospective.
Cinema ASTRA, Venice, Italy, June.
Forever Young -
Photography 2000-2003.
Espace Ernst Hilger, Paris, France, March. |
2002 |
The Crystal World
Stichting Outline, Amsterdam, Netherlands, November
LichtRouten, Lüdenscheid, Germany, Sep./Oct.

light installation on a church, Nan Hoover 2002, Lüdenscheid
Galerie Ulrike Buschlinger,
Wiesbaden, Germany, September
Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, Germany, April / May
Villa de bank,
Enschede, Netherlands, April / May
with Rene Coelho and Bert Schutter
Basel Art Fair,
Galerie Ernst Hilger, Basel, Switzerland, June
Landesgalerie am Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseum
Linz, Austria, February - April. |
2001 |
Meet Nan Hoover -
'Dialogue about Nan Hoover, Rob Perrée'
Book Signing, 14 October, at Art Book,
van Baerlestraat 126, Amsterdam
www.wwvf.nl |

Moritzburg Halle,
Landeskunstmuseum, Germany,
March - May

light installation by Nan Hoover
De Wagenschuur, Wassenaar, The Netherlands
(photoworks, video object, light installation
1999 |
Electric Paper, Paper Art 7,
der Stadt Düren, Düren, Germany (video installation |
1998 |
Zeichnung und Raum,
Kunsthaus Nürnberg,
Nuremberg, Germany (drawings) |
1997 |
Dawn of the Magicians? Art, Science,
Society at the Turn of the Millennium.
National Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic
(video installation) |
Frankfurt Art Fair, Aschenbach Galerie, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands (photographs) |
Galerie Ulrike Buschlinger, Wiesbaden, Germany
(photographs) |
"Top Fair", Frauen Kultur Büro,
Krefeld, Germany (drawings, video) |
"Lumen Ex Machina", Arti et Amicitiae,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (video installation) |
The Artists' Museum, Lodz, Poland (IKG) (installation) |
1996 |
"4 X 1 im Albertinum", Gemäldegalerie
Neue Meister, Dresden, Germany (drawings, wood reliefs, video installation, video
tapes) |
"Nan Hoover und ihre Klasse", Galerie
Hubertus Wunschik, Düsseldorf, Germany |
Museu de Évora, Évora, Portugal
(video, photographs and drawings) (Suzanne Biederberg Galerie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) |
1995 |
"Common Instincts, Familiar Senses",
Galerie Hubertus Wunschik, Düsseldorf, Germany (drawings |
1994 |
"3 X 4 X 2" Arti, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands (drawings, installation) |
"Blickdicht", Kunstverein Heilbronn
eV, Heilbronn, Germany (drawings) |
1993 |
"Schatten - Projektionen", Städtische
Galerie Schloß Oberhausen, Oberhausen, Germany (drawings) |
"Um abermals zu enden. Pour finir encore.
For to end yet again." Exhibition of the International Samuel Beckett Symposium,
Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus, Düsseldorf, Germany (drawings, video installation) |
1992 |
"Art for ASAD", Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(photographs) |
1991 |
"small size", Delta Galerie, Düsseldorf,
Germany (photographs, drawing) |
"Die Spur des Lichtes", Munich, Germany
(performance/outdoor light installation) |
"skulpturale ereignisse", Städtische
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Germany (drawings, video) |
"verwant maar verschillend", Zwolle,
The Netherlands, with Allie van Altena (drawings, video) |
1990 |
"Art on Line for AIDS", Paradiso,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (light installation) |
"Strata", Artoteek Oost, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands (drawings, video) |
"Zur Sache Selbst: Künstlerinnen
des 20. Jahrhunderts", Museum Wiesbaden, Germany (photographs, video - cat.) |
Kunst RAI '90, Amsterdam, with Suzanne Biederberg
Galerie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (drawings, sculptures) |
2nd Contemporary Art Fair, Melbourne, Australia,
with Suzanne Biederberg Galerie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (photographs, video) |
"Ruimbesloten", Arti et Amicitiae,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (drawings, sculpture) |
"Summer exhibition 1990", Dutch Artline/Kunstlijn,
Zwolle, The Netherlands (drawing, sculpture) |
1989 |
Internationales Künstler-Gremium e.V.
Museum Wiesbaden, Germany (drawing, sculpture) |
"Scratch", Paris, France (film) |
Galerie Maximilian Krips and Partner, Cologne,
Germany (video) |
ECGTV-Studio, Frankfurt/M, Germany (drawings,
photographs) |
Galerie Arch, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (drawings) |
Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(drawings, photographs) |
"Passages", HCAK, The Hague, The
Netherlands (drawings) |
1988 |
Internationales Künstler-Gremium e.V.
Budapest, Hungary (photographs) |
International Seminar of the Arts, Warsaw,
Poland (performance) |
Sydney Video Festival, Sydney, Australia (video
installation, photographs, performance) (cat.) |
Festival Di Villa Faraldi, Villa Faraldi, Italy
(performance, drawings, video) |
"Meine Zeit - Mein Raubtier", Kunstpalast,
Düsseldorf, Germany (light installation) (cat.) |
"Unter einem Himmel", Galerie von
Schloss Borbeck, Essen, Germany, with Harald Falkenhagen (drawings, painting) |
"Contemporary", The PMW Gallery,
Stanford, Connecticut, USA (drawings) |
1987 |
"Kunst Over De Vloer", Amsterdam,
The Netherlands (light installation) (cat.) |
1986 |
"Lumières: Perception-Projection",
Centre International d'Art Contemporain de Montreal, Canada (video/light installation,
performance) (cat.) |
"Intericon 1986", Copenhagen, Denmark
(light installation) (cat.) |
"II Festival Nacional Video", Madrid,
Spain (video installation) (cat.) |
Seibu Museum, Tokyo, Japan (cat.) |
"Informental 5", Kölnischer
Kunstverein, Cologne, Germany |
1985 |
"A Passage Repeated", Long Beach
Museum of Art, USA (video installation (cat.) |
"De Nederlandse experimentele film",
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (film) |
"Spacial Relationships in Video",
Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA |
"Image on the Run. Dutch Video Art of
the 80's", The Kitchen, New York, USA |
1984 |
"The Luminous Image", Stedelijk Museum,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (video installation) (cat.) |
Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy (video installation)
(cat.) |
"1984, Im Toten Winkel", Kunsthalle,
Hamburg, Germany (light installation) (cat.) |
Rotterdam Film Festival, The Netherlands (video)
(cat.) |
Berlin Film Festival, Germany (video) (cat.)
1983 |
National Pinakothiki, Athens, Greece (video) |
World Wide Video Festival, Het Kijkhuis, The
Hague, The Netherlands (video installation) (cat.) |
Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Germany (light objects,
light installation, performance) (cat.) |
Montreal Film Festival, Canada (video installation) |
Galerie Biederberg/Müller, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands (photographs) |
1982 |
"60/80 Attitudes/Concepts/Images",
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (cat.) |
Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, The Netherlands |
Art Video Retrospectives, Charleroi, Belgium
(video) (cat.) |
International Media Meeting, Maastricht, The
Netherlands (video) |
Plan B, Tokyo, with De Appel, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands (video) |
Video 80, San Francisco, USA (video) |
Basel Art Fair, with Galerie Stampa, Basel,
Switzerland (video) |
1981 |
Tate Gallery, London, UK (video) (cat.)
1978 |
"10 Years of Video", Rome, Italy
(cat.) |
Stedelijk Museum, Schiedam, The Netherlands
(photographs, video) (cat.) |
Museum Fodor, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (photographs,
video) |
Video Art '78, Coventry, UK (video) (cat.)
1977 |
Documenta 6, Kassel, Germany (video) (cat.)